WSCC Post 16-19 Travel Assistance:
Lavant Parish Council
A message from WSCC Post 16-19 Travel Assistance:
Each year local authorities are required to consult young people of sixth form age and their parents as well as other stakeholders on the Post-16 Transport Policy Statement before it is finalised.
The Post-16 Transport Policy Statement outlines the help that might be available through the Council, schools, colleges and transport operators to help young people of sixth form age and young adult learners aged 19+ who have an Education Health and Care Plan to get to school and college.
In addition, the consultation into the proposed introduction of a travel assistance policy for Post-19-year-olds with an Education, Health and Care plan aims to recognise SEND Post-19 learners as adults in education and identify necessary transport needs in line with Department for Education Guidance.
The aim of this consultation is to:
- Check that the Draft Post-16 Transport Policy Statement and Draft Travel assistance policy for post-19-year-olds with an Education, Health and Care plan related information is complete, clear and accurate.
- Seek the views of young adults, parents and other interested parties on the proposed Travel assistance policy for post-19-year-olds with an Education, Health and Care plan.
The consultation can be viewed and completed via this link.
Contact Information
The Clerk
- 07835494229
Find Lavant Parish Council
Lavant Parish Council, Lavant Memorial Hall, East Lavant, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0AH