Goodwood Event Traffic
Lavant Parish Council
Goodwood Event Traffic
Following the traffic problems in Lavant before, during and after the recent Festival of Speed, Lavant Parish Council and local residents held a meeting with senior management from Goodwood.
Goodwood take these issues very seriously and I would like to emphasise that the management team have always been very open and accessible and have done their utmost to engage with LPC and residents in order to try to mitigate any problems.
It should be stressed that none of the publicised routes lead traffic through Lavant but it was clear that the traffic management plan did not work as well as intended this year.
As a result of the meeting Goodwood have proposed the following improvements and alterations to the traffic management plan for future events:
- We will add ‘No HGV’ type signs to Kennel Hill (north and southbound) to provide advance warning ahead of traffic turning into Pook Lane. We will keep the ones on the junction, but this will warn from further afield.
- We will review our ‘No HGV’ signs to see if we can make even clearer (photo attached of current ones for reference). There will be limits around being highways compliant.
- We will investigate ‘Last chance, turn here’ signage at the bottom of Chalkpit Lane for any HGVs that have ignored signs and come from Kennel Hill.
- We will investigate ‘Lorries Turning/No Parking’ signs at the bottom of Chalkpit Lane, but this may not be permitted without some sort of TTRO and may be hard to obtain.
- We will add a marshal to New Road (Campsite E entrance) to try to enforce HGVs/Caravans etc not continuing into Lavant, but turn at our warehouse entrance. This will be for the final week of build and the first few days of breakdown. [Post meeting note – we will trial this at Revival for the departing campsite traffic. It isn’t relevant for Revival Build as traffic is sent into the Motor Circuit via Gate 11 on New Road which is past this point. The marshals at Gate 11 should discourage HGVs continuing past to Lavant already].
On Event:
- All routes avoid Lavant.
- We will investigate traffic lights vs stop/go boards in Singleton. We have switched between the 2 over the years. I will come back to you with the latest position; it may be WSCC Highways have directed. (It is also noted the traffic light operator should be engaged and not on their mobile phone all day).
- We will check signage around Lavant at 5am (approx.) each morning.
- We will add signage at Binderton Lane
- Lavant Parish Councillors will contact Goodwood Control if any errors are spotted.
- Lavant Parish Councillors will consider operating their Speed Watch Team during events.
- We continue to use ‘No right turn/all horse race traffic straight on’ signage southbound on Kennel Hill.
Contact Information
The Clerk
- 07835494229
Find Lavant Parish Council
Lavant Parish Council, Lavant Memorial Hall, East Lavant, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0AH