Lavant Parish Council Fete Committee

The Fete Committee is a formal sub-committee of Lavant Parish Council.

The Terms of Reference are reviewed annually by the Committee and approved by LPC. The committee is made up of at least one representative from each of LPC, the Church, the School, the Memorial Hall Management Committee and the general Lavant village population.

Currently the Committee is made up of 5 members as follows:

  1. LPC reps: Jenny Quest and Caroline Reynolds (Secretary)
  2. Church rep: Sue Jackson
  3. Village reps: Sara Pickford (Chair), Sarah Newman (Treasurer) 

The aims of the Fete Committee are to organise a fete to be held in the parish of Lavant, for the benefit of the whole community; to encourage everyone to participate and enjoy a village tradition; and to raise funds for the benefit of local organisations.

Meetings will be open to the public. Agendas and minutes will be published on the Parish Council website (see separate Meetings - Agenda & Minutes page).

The Fete committee makes recommendations to the Council on how profits of the Fete will be distributed between local charities and organisations.
All income and expenditure will be passed through the Fete Committee bank account.
All expenditure to be approved in the first instance by the Committee and all accounts submitted to the Council for payment.