Road-Related Anti-Social Behaviour Survey
Lavant Parish Council
Operation Downsway is the Surrey & Sussex Police response to concerns raised by local communities relating to driving and riding behaviours whilst also reducing collisions involving motorcyclists throughout the roads of Surrey & Sussex.
When answering these questions, can you focus on the last 12 months and think of what you may have observed during that time.
This survey is hosted by Surrey Police, with data shared with Sussex Police. To find out more about how your personal information is stored please see our privacy notices.
This link contains details of who to contact if you have any questions about the storing of your data.
Please do not use this survey to report incidents, crimes or concerns. Details of how to contact your local police can be found via their website or by telephoning 101. In an emergency, always dial 999.
To complete the suvey, please click here.
Contact Information
The Clerk
- 07835494229
Find Lavant Parish Council
Lavant Parish Council, Lavant Memorial Hall, East Lavant, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0AH