Councillor Resignation
Lavant Parish Council
I am very sorry to announce that Councillor David Kuchanny has tendered his resignation with immediate effect. David has been a very effective councillor and we have benefitted greatly from his presence in the council and especially from his knowledge of the planning system. We will continue to call upon that depth of knowledge from time to time but we realise that David's family and business commitments make it impossible for him to fulfil the LPC role in the way that he would want.
As a result of David's departure we now have two vacancies on the Parish Council and I would urge anyone with an interest in the local community to consider giving up a few hours of their time to help our village.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss the role and responsibilities of a Parish Councillor.
Tim Aldridge. Chairman, Lavant Parish Council.
Contact Information
The Clerk
- 07835494229
Find Lavant Parish Council
Lavant Parish Council, Lavant Memorial Hall, East Lavant, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0AH